1:1 personal Photography training
Discover the power of photography with my personalised 1:1 training. Each session is tailored to your unique interests, camera settings, and knowledge level. Whether you prefer to learn in person at my studio or from the comfort of your home via Zoom, I’m here to help.
We spend time together at a time and date that suits you and is available for one or two participants.
There are four photography modules to choose from: Module 1: Camera Functions and Features; Module 2: Composition and Exposure; Module 3: Editing fundamentals; and Module 4: Adobe Lightroom. you’ll receive a comprehensive education that’s perfectly adapted to your needs. Don’t wait any longer to take your photography skills to the next level.
Sign up for my personalised training today, book now
Mastering the functions of your camera can be a difficult and confusing task. With so many menus, modes, options, and a user manual that can be difficult to comprehend, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure where to begin. However, by the end of this course, you will feel confident in using all the functions and features on your camera, allowing you to capture the perfect shot every time.
Topics covered in this course are;
- Identifying all the functions on your camera and their purpose
- Explaining and adjusting all your camera settings
- Discussing the Exposure triangle and the relationship between Aperture, Shutter speed and ISO
- Explaining the light metering modes and when to use them
- Discussing the relationship between Aperture choice and Depth of field.
- How to select the best shutter speed
- How to choose the best ISO setting
- Focus mode and focus area options.
- Drive modes, single shot continuous, delayed and remote
- The importance of the Histogram to ensure you have the best exposure settings
- White balance options and the preferred settings
- Discuss the scene and manual modes and which ones to use for different situations.
- Explain the difference between raw and JPG images.
.You will receive a comprehensive set of notes covering all the topics discussed on the day. Book Now.
Welcome to our discussion on the art of good composition! As you know, a good composition is all about telling a story that people can relate to, capturing the essence of an event, its location, the emotions, the weather, and the mood. And we have some exciting insights to share with you
You will learn how to;
- Bring out the best in your subject by mastering the art of capturing light
- Choose the best times of day to shoot, including sunrise, sunset, the Blue Hour, and the Golden Hour.
- Add depth and perspective to your images with leading lines, foreground elements, and layers.
- Use focal points, silhouettes, and converging lines to create intriguing compositions.
- Discover the importance of POV and camera position, and
- Use different lens angles to control the weight of elements.
- Use colours to convey emotions and moods.
You’ll also learn how how to; to determine the correct exposure settings for various lighting situations, such as sunrises, sunsets, landscapes, seascapes, beach and snow scenes, nighttime, low light, and star trails..
You will receive a comprehensive set of notes covering all the topics discussed on the day.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take your skills to the next level! Book Now
Are you interested in producing great images with an excellent editing workflow? Look no further than our editing course! We’ll guide you through the essential sequences required to achieve fantastic results. For our hands-on course, we recommend bringing your laptop with your photo editing program and three or four images to adjust. Alternatively, you can bring a USB stick with your photos, and we’ll demonstrate each editing step using Adobe Lightroom, our preferred editing program.
During the session, we’ll also cover
- setting up your own library and ways of backing up your precious photos.
- We’ll explain the advantages of non-destructive editing programs over destructive programs, such as Adobe Photoshop.,
- we’ll discuss the difference between the Raw and JPEG formats, so you can choose the best option for your work.
By the end of our time together, you’ll have two or three edited images to take home and a clear understanding of the order in which to edit and save your photos. Our comprehensive session covers all the basic adjustments you’ll need, including,
- downloading images,
- cropping and straightening,
- exposure adjustment,
- highlights correction,
- shadows adjustment,
- setting the white point,
- setting the black point,
- masking,
- noise reduction,
- sharpening,
- levels,
- curves,
- clarity,
- dehaze,
- Luminance,
- saturation,.
You will receive a comprehensive set of notes covering everything we discussed on the day. So what are you waiting for? Sign up now and start producing exceptional images! Book Now.
I will demonstrate how to use Lightroom’s many new features.
Ideally, I would prefer the participants bring their laptops and explore all the features of their images during the session.
I will discuss the various ways of setting up your own library, downloading and cataloguing your images, and setting up collections and collection sets. and how to apply keywords.
Best workflow procedures will also be demonstrated and explained.
The following feature may be demonstrated;
- Graduated filter
- Brush tool
- Radial tool
- White balance correction
- Detail ( sharpening) tool
- Crop tool
- Effects tool
- Lens correction tool
- Transform tool
- Curves.
- Denoise
- Lens Blur
- subject selection
- sky selection
- background selection
- colour calibration
On the day, a comprehensive set of notes covering all the topics discussed is provided, along with a cheat sheet for shortcuts. Book now